Aikido Seminars


Aikido seminar in London with Philip Burgess, Bruno Maule, Mirco Angeletti and Mario Peloni

High Wycombe Judo Centre London, United Kingdom

7/9-8/9-2024 - Aikido seminar in London with Sensei Micro Angeletti, 7th Dan, Shihan Philip Burgess, 9th Dan, Shihan Bruno Maule, 9th Dan and Shihan Mario Peloni, 9th Dan "Unfortunately, Shihan Maurizio Volpe is unable to attend the seminar due to personal reasons. Sensei Mirco Angeletti, 7th Dan, will be taking his place as the instructor for the seminar" The Instructors are now Shihan Philip Burgess Shihan Bruno Maule Shihan Mario Peloni Sensei Mirco Angeletti Queries?

Aikido seminar with Maurizio Volpe Shian and Mirco Angeletti Sensei

Palestra Corpo Libero Ronchi Via Roma 15, Ronchi dei Legionari GO, Italy

The Ki Aikido Kai association will organize an Aikido seminar on June 7 and 8, 2025, in Ronchi dei Legionari via Roma 15 at Corpo libero gym Italy. The seminar will be conducted by Masters Maurizio Volpe Shian and Mirco Angeletti Sensei. For questions and more information - Email Alberto with his name in it: Poster in English for download: Volantino ronchi EN Poster in Italian for download: Volantino-ronchi ita