Aikido seminar in Stuttgart with Bruno Maule
Ki & Aikido Dojo Stuttgar Trochtelfinger Str. 9 A, Stuttgart, Germany6/7-7/7-2024 - Aikido seminar in Stuttgart with Bruno Maule, Shihan. Poster: English This seminar is financed by the Solidarity Fund.
6/7-7/7-2024 - Aikido seminar in Stuttgart with Bruno Maule, Shihan. Poster: English This seminar is financed by the Solidarity Fund.
See 259 nice photos by Jens Tenhaeff from the seminar here: And see the new trailer from Alain, filmed at the seminar, here: __________________________________________________________________________________ 13/7-18/7-2024 - 3th. international Summer Aikido seminar in Stevns, Denmark with Carsten Møller and Michael Holm. We are happy to invite you to the third international summer seminar with Carsten Møller (7. dan) and Michael Holm (6. dan), taking place from Saturday the 13th of July until Thursday the 18th of July. Once again, the seminar will take place in Stevns (50 km south of Copenhagen) – close to both the sea and beautiful nature. So bring your hiking boots and your swimsuit! And like last year, we will invite different teachers from home and abroad to teach the morning/misogi classes. Read more and sign up here: Organised by Ki-Selskabet. -- Pictures from 2023: Inside dojo - Outside dojo -
26/7-31/7-2024 - Aikido summer seminar in Velebit with Maurizio Volpe and Marijan Kudrna Poster: English Register here
1/8-12/8-2024 - Aikido seminar in Crissolo with Bruno Maule Shihan
bad news & good news! first the bad: due to too few registrations the AOX-workshop in Kassel next weekend will unfortunately not take place. now the good: Markus and Heike will still meet at Dojo am Fluss in Nuernberg. Anyone who would like to join us for informal practice and research is very welcome on Saturday, 24 August from 15:30-18:30 and on Sunday, 25 August from 11:00-13:00 If you would like to come, please let Heike know, even at short notice Save the dates: >> Next AOX in Kassel: 28.02. - 02.03.2025 >> Aikido Seminar with Jacob Aremark in Nürnberg: 7.2.-9.2.2025 Also avalible as pdf: Click here for the PDF
Save the date! - Space for practising together - Details will follow later! Kontakt:
7/9-8/9-2024 - Aikido seminar in London with Sensei Micro Angeletti, 7th Dan, Shihan Philip Burgess, 9th Dan, Shihan Bruno Maule, 9th Dan and Shihan Mario Peloni, 9th Dan "Unfortunately, Shihan Maurizio Volpe is unable to attend the seminar due to personal reasons. Sensei Mirco Angeletti, 7th Dan, will be taking his place as the instructor for the seminar" The Instructors are now Shihan Philip Burgess Shihan Bruno Maule Shihan Mario Peloni Sensei Mirco Angeletti Queries?
- CANCELLED - We are sorry to inform you that the seminar is cancelled! 21/9-22/9-2024 - Aikido seminar in Heidelberg with Ingo Jettmar and Klaus Heß
Michael Holm Aikido Seminar in Zagreb, Croatia; 21.-22.9.2024. Additionally, on Friday, September 20th, we are organizing a day trip to the beautiful Plitvice Lakes National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. If conditions allow, we hope to conduct some Bokken, Jo, or Misogi practice there. For more information about Plitvice Lakes, you can visit the UNESCO page here. If you’re interested to join, please let us know, as we need to purchase tickets in advance. Tasogare Dojo, contact:; +385 91 4477033 Click here or on the flyer below to get the poster pdf version.
27-28/9-2024 - Ki/Aikido/Aikijujutsu seminar in Helsinki
4/10-6/10-2024 - Aikido seminar with Michael Holm in Erlangen. Information in English: Seminar_with_Michael_Holm_in_Erlangen_4.-6.10.24 Information in German: Lehrgang_mit_Michael_Holm_in_Erlangen_4.-6.10.24
11/10-13/10-2024 - Aikido seminar in Balerna with Maurizio Volpe and Bernhard Boll
"Aikido for ‘solid men’ “ Practicing what can only be practiced with men of similar build (95+ kg, 180+ cm). In club training and seminars, there are often Aikidoka who are significantly taller, heavier, and stronger than most others. In this workshop, we have the opportunity to practice Aikido with men of similar stature. Ki tests, including unbendable arm and unraisable body. Kumi Waza (partner techniques) with strong partners to clearly explore and experience the difference between ‘with Ki’ and ‘with strength.’ Exchange of personal experiences. Open to Aikidoka of all styles and associations. Poster: leimen_20241012e 2
POSTPONED Due to technical issues the seminar is postponed - New date will be announced later Poster - Klick link below Pian_di_Marte_24
18/10-20/10-2024 - Aikido seminar in Novara with Bruno Maule Shihan Financed by the Solidarity Fund
19. & 20. October 2024 - Aikido in Madrid with Michael Holm. Schedule (might be changed): Saturday : 11:40-13:00 h 13:00-13:10 Free 13:10-14:30 h 17:40-19:00 h 19:00-19:10 Free 19:10 - 20:30 h Sunday: 11.00-12.20 h 12.20-12.30 Free 12:30-14:00 h More info and registration:
We are sorry to inform that Bruno Maule Shihan is sick and will not be able to participate. Nico Gori will be conducting the seminar together with other senseis. Questions:
8/11-10/11-2024 - Aikido seminar in Buenos Aires with Michael Holm We invite you to participate in the 15th International Seminar - Ki Aikido Buenos Aires 2024, which will take place in Buenos Aires - Argentina, between Friday 8/11/2024 and Sunday 10/11/2024 in the gymnasium of the 1st floor of the Pavilion II of Ciudad Universitaria - Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences and will be led by Sensei Michael Holm. See updated Schedule here:
Schedule will come later
Nous avons la plaisir de recevoir Andréa BEDUSCHI 5ÈME DAN, élève direct de Bruno MAULE et enseignant au Dojo de LUGANO (CH) et NOVARA (IT). Son expérience et son calme sont des atouts sur les Tatamis, où il recherche l’harmonie avec les Ukés. C’est aussi un grand expert du travail du Jo et du Boken. We are pleased to welcome Andréa BEDUSCHI 5TH DAN, direct student of Bruno MAULE and teacher at the Dojo of LUGANO (CH) and NOVARA (IT). His experience and calm are assets on the Tatamis, where he seeks harmony with the Ukés. He is also a great expert in the work of Jo and Boken. Financed by the Solidarity Fund. For more information: 20241115 Ronchamp programme séminaire BEDUSCHI
For information, please see posters! Poster in English: Einladung 2024-11_EN Poster in Deutsch: Einladung 2024-11_DE Poster in Espanol: Einladung 2024-11_ES
23/11-2024 - Aikido seminar in Essen with Eugène du Long Posters: English/German
Date: 23-24. November 2024. Instructor: Davide Rizzi Shihan Location: Óbudai Judo Club 1037 Budapest, Farkastorki út 21. Dear Friends, We invite you to come to Budapest and join our seminar with Davide Rizzi Shihan. 23.11. SATURDAY 9:00-13:00 practicing and exams /with break 13:30 lunch near to the location 16:30-20:00 practicing and exams /with break dinner in the dojo 24.11. SUNDAY 9:00-12:30 practicing and exams /with break 13:00 lunch near to the location Seminar location: Óbudai Judo Club 1037 Budapest, Farkastorki út 21. We will go to nearby restaurants or order for meals between training sessions, if you want to join us please let us know in advance. Sleeping is possibile in the Katsuhayabi Kidojo 🙂 (take your own sleeping bag) Registration (until 13 of November) and further information at See you soon! Kiaikido Group, Hungary
30 November 2024 in Vercelli (Dojo Ronin) Aikido seminar held by Bernhard Boll from the Balerna dojo. Poster in English: Seminario Bernhard 2024 eng Poster in Italian: Seminario Bernhard 2024 it For info Francesco
November 30. - December 1. - 2024 - Aikido in Ljubljana, Slovenia with Michael Holm. Come join the xmas lights in Ljubljana as they get turned on on Friday! Seminar details can be found here. Organised by Aikidōm
Workshop contents: Soden techniques, correlations between aikido and aikijujutsu. Schedule: • Thu at 18 in the new Ki-dojo in Storhaug, Normanns gate 24, Stavanger • Fri at 18 in Siddishallen, Ishockeyveien 7, Stavanger • Saturday is the main day. Training in Siddishallen at 13:00-17:00 (with small breaks), sauna at 19:00-21:00 (for those who want), drinks during sauna and afterwards. • Mon at 18 in the Ki-dojo All sessions are "stand alone" i.e. it does not matter if you cannot take all sessions. Price options: all sessions 500 kr. / Saturday 300 kr. / other sessions 100 kr. each. Sauna is paid separately. As a rule, in Stavanger Ki-Aikido Club we exhibit low hierarchy, and trust in common politeness. Talking is allowed at all times, questions and comments are welcomed. Everybody is welcome from all martial arts, regardless of their level of experience. Please wear your own belts and whatever you are comfortable with. Info: Esa Lilja, tel. +47 482 16 493,
Poster with info: haigerloch_stetten_20250111
Aikido new year seminar with Michael and new year party in the evening! 11. January 2025: Saturday: 10:00-12:15 Aikido & Examinations 12:15-13:13 Lunch - there will be coffee & tea, but bring your own lunch. 13:15 -15:30 Aikido & Examinations After Aikido: New year get-together at Michael. Jacob will once again make wonderful ramen for us 🍜🍜🍜😻 Aikido: 200 kr Evening: 100 kr Reg. for party latest January 5, by email: / message 21251471 or your prefered platform ☺️ Write if you have some food preferences. Probably cook together at 17:30 and eat kl. 18:30!! Write if you need accommodation, then we will find space for you.
Aikido seminar held by Domenico Saida and Francesco Ingemi Lacation: Ronin Ki-Aikido, Vercelli For info Francesco Please see attached for more information: Seminario 25gen25
We, Dojo am Fluss e.V., are happy to invite to an Aikido seminar with Jacob Aremark (Aarhus, Denmark). Jacob combines a deep knowledge and experience in both - martial art and philosophy. We are looking forward to experience his teaching. Saturday morning there might be a Misogi session and lunchtime will be spend together in the Dojo. The seminar will take place in Fruehlingstr. 17, 90431 Nuernberg. Schedule: Friday, 7.2.2025: 18:30 - 20:30 Saturday, 8.2.2025: 11:00 - 13:00 14:30 - 16:30 16:45 - 18:30 Sunday, 9.2.2025: 10:00 - 12:30 Registration until 18.1.2025 latest Poster in pdf: Seminar_DaF_20250207
Poster and information for download: English: Inglese Remembering Doshu 2025 Italian: Italiano Remembering Doshu 2025
Moderated by Markus Schein und Heike Howein we meet again for exploring specific Aikido topics in an open-minded space. This time we want to explore Aikido-specific communication and try out how it can also become visible to non-Aikidoka. Venue: Ki & Aikido Dojo Kassel e.V., Heckerstr. 30c, 34121 Kassel Info/subscription: or For people with a sound Aikido experience, equivalent to about 1st kyu at least. Poster for download: 2025_02_aikido_kooperation_workshop_en_insta
Poster with information and download: SEMINARIO SANTHIA 02032025