Aikido Seminars


Aikido and Aikijujutsu with Esa Lilja and Mikko Montonen in Stavanger

Karasukai Stavanger Normanns Gate 24, Stavanger, Norway

Workshop contents: Soden techniques, correlations between aikido and aikijujutsu. Schedule:  • Thu at 18 in the new Ki-dojo in Storhaug, Normanns gate 24, Stavanger  • Fri at 18 in Siddishallen, Ishockeyveien 7, Stavanger  • Saturday is the main day. Training in Siddishallen at 13:00-17:00 (with small breaks), sauna at 19:00-21:00 (for those who want), drinks during sauna and afterwards.  • Mon at 18 in the Ki-dojo All sessions are "stand alone" i.e. it does not matter if you cannot take all sessions. Price options: all sessions 500 kr. / Saturday 300 kr. / other sessions 100 kr. each. Sauna is paid separately. As a rule, in Stavanger Ki-Aikido Club we exhibit low hierarchy, and trust in common politeness. Talking is allowed at all times, questions and comments are welcomed. Everybody is welcome from all martial arts, regardless of their level of experience. Please wear your own belts and whatever you are comfortable with. Info: Esa Lilja, tel. +47 482 16 493,

Aikido new year seminar in Gladsaxe with Michael

Toitsu - Ki & Aikido dojo, Gladsaxe Vandtårnsvej 55, Søborg, Denmark

Aikido new year seminar with Michael and new year party in the evening! 11.  January 2025: Saturday: 10:00-12:15 Aikido & Examinations 12:15-13:13  Lunch - there will be coffee & tea, but bring your own lunch. 13:15 -15:30 Aikido & Examinations After Aikido: New year get-together at Michael. Jacob will once again make wonderful ramen for us 🍜🍜🍜😻 Aikido: 200 kr Evening: 100 kr Reg. for party latest January 5, by email: / message 21251471  or your prefered platform ☺️ Write if you have some food preferences. Probably cook together at 17:30 and eat kl. 18:30!! Write if you need accommodation, then we will find space for you.  

Aikido seminar with Domenico Saida and Francesco Ingemi

Vercelli Piazza Mazzini 2, Vercelli, Italy

Aikido seminar held by Domenico Saida and Francesco Ingemi Lacation: Ronin Ki-Aikido, Vercelli For info Francesco Please see attached for more information: Seminario 25gen25

Aikido seminar with Jacob Aremark in Nürnberg

Mushin-Aiki-Dojo Frühlingstraße 17, Nürnberg

We, Dojo am Fluss e.V.,  are happy to invite to an Aikido seminar with Jacob Aremark (Aarhus, Denmark). Jacob combines a deep knowledge and experience in both - martial art and philosophy. We are looking forward to experience his teaching. Saturday morning there might be a Misogi session and lunchtime will be spend together in the Dojo. The seminar will take place in Fruehlingstr. 17, 90431 Nuernberg. Schedule: Friday, 7.2.2025: 18:30 - 20:30 Saturday, 8.2.2025: 11:00 - 13:00 14:30 - 16:30 16:45 - 18:30 Sunday, 9.2.2025: 10:00 - 12:30 Registration until 18.1.2025 latest Poster in pdf: Seminar_DaF_20250207

AOX – Aikido Open Exploration Space workshop in Kassel

Ki & Aikido Dojo Kassel e.V. Heckerstraße 30c, Kassel, Hesse, Germany

Moderated by Markus Schein und Heike Howein we meet again for exploring specific Aikido topics in an open-minded space. This time we want to explore Aikido-specific communication and try out how it can also become visible to non-Aikidoka. Venue: Ki & Aikido Dojo Kassel e.V., Heckerstr. 30c, 34121 Kassel Info/subscription:   or For people with a sound Aikido experience, equivalent to about 1st kyu at least. Poster for download: 2025_02_aikido_kooperation_workshop_en_insta

Aikido seminar in Budapest with Davide Rizzi Shihan

Óbudai Judo Club Farkastorki út 21, Budapest, Hungary

Dear Friends, We would like to invite you to our next seminar! Davide Rizzi Sensei will be back in Hungary in early March. During his five-day visit, he will individually tour the dojos, and on Saturday we will host a large joint practice together. All trainings are open to visitors! WEDNESDAY 05.03.                       18:30-20:00 - Practicing/Akashiro Kidojo - 2085 Pilisvörösvár, Fő u. 127. THURSDAY 06.03.                           18:30 - 20:00 - Practicing/Katsuhayabi Kidojo - 1052 Budapest, Galamb utca 3. FRIDAY 07.03.                   14:00 - 18:00 - Advanced classes - 1052 Budapest, Galamb utca 3. SATURDAY 08.03.                           9:00-13:00 - Practicing and exams/with break - 1037 Budapest, Farkastoroki út 21. 16:30-20:00 - Practicing and exams/with break - 1037 Budapest, Farkastoroki út 21. SUNDAY 09.03.                8:30       Coffe ( breakfast ) in the dojo - 1052 Budapest, Galamb utca 3. 9:00-11:30        Thermal bath Sleeping in the dojo is possible. You will find the program and contribution fees separately as an attachment also. If you wish to participate in the Saturday lunch or the Sunday thermal bath, please inform us via email by February 24th: See you soon! Kiaikido Hungary Group

Aikido seminar with Roy Cliff in Stavanger

Stavanger Karate Club Banevigsgata 5, Stavanger, Norway

Aikido seminar with Roy Cliff in Stavanger, Norway Time: Saturday 29 March 2025 at 13:00 - 17:00. Price: 200 NOK. Info:

Easter 2025 Aikido in Berlin with Carsten & Michael

Neue Sporthalle der Hector-Peterson Schule, Berlin Tempelhofer Ufer 19, Berlin, Germany

Easter 2025: Aikido Seminar in Berlin with Carsten Møller and Michael Holm. Save the date: 18 – 21 April 2025 in Berlin 😊 Registration via e-mail is highly appreciated - for various practical issues. We are looking forward to seeing you at the seminar! Email: Venue: Neue Sporthalle der Hector-Peterson Schule Tempelhofer Ufer 19, 10963 Berlin - Kreuzberg (metro station Möckernbrücke, lines U7, U1, U3) Poster with download with info: 20250417-21-Aikido seminar-Easter-Berlin


Aikido in Torino

Torino Lungo Dora Liguria 44/D, Torino, Italy

Please see poster for information: Seminario 25-26-27_2025   It is possible to stay overnight in the Dojo from Monday 21 April 2025 Greetings from Donato and Walter

Seminar with Eugene du Long in Aikido Dojo Essen

Aikido Dojo Essen Girardetstraße 76, Essen

Aikido Dojo Essen invites to a Seminar with Eugene du Long. Registration and more information: - please send an email to: Poster for download and info: Seminar_Eugene_1705

Aikido in Madrid with Michael May 31-June 1

Gimnasio Bushidokwai C/ Donoso Cortes 53, Madrid, Spain

May 31- June 1 2025 - Aikido in Madrid with Michael Holm. Schedule (might be changed): Saturday : 11:40-13:00 h 13:00-13:10 Free 13:10-14:30 h 17:40-19:00 h 19:00-19:10 Free 19:10 - 20:30 h Sunday: 11.00-12.20 h 12.20-12.30 Free 12:30-14:00 h   More info and registration:

€40 – €80

Aikido seminar with Maurizio Volpe Shian and Mirco Angeletti Sensei

Palestra Corpo Libero Ronchi Via Roma 15, Ronchi dei Legionari GO, Italy

The Ki Aikido Kai association will organize an Aikido seminar on June 7 and 8, 2025, in Ronchi dei Legionari via Roma 15 at Corpo libero gym Italy. The seminar will be conducted by Masters Maurizio Volpe Shian and Mirco Angeletti Sensei. For questions and more information - Email Alberto with his name in it: Poster in English for download: Volantino ronchi EN Poster in Italian for download: Volantino-ronchi ita